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  • Writer's pictureNick Van Hekken

Introducing: The SBA Journal

By Nick Van Hekken

June 7, 2021

Welcome to SBAJ! The newest addition to the University of Michigan’s Sport Business Association (SBA) is a journal created by members, for members of the club, as well as its esteemed alumni. Its goal is to allow students to express their ideas about the sport and business worlds, and share these thoughts with their peers and predecessors.

“The inspiration for SBAJ, at its core, was to provide a platform for student members of SBA to not only learn from and interact with industry professionals, but to actually produce real work” SBA President Ethan Tipping said.

“The goal of this journal is not just to create a great product for SBA, but to create an opportunity for our members to display their incredible insights and to dive deeper into their thought-provoking questions.”

Though its initial goal is to provide members of SBA with valuable updates and information, writing experience, and the opportunity to share and expand ideas, the SBAJ staff, administrative board, and club as a whole expect the journal to become much more than that.

“When the journal is at its best, industry professionals will be reading it to learn what we (our demographic) like and why we like it” Tipping said.

“It will fuel classroom discussions and students will refer to it for projects and reports. When the journal is at its best, SBA will have grown to include more Communications and Media majors making SBA more diverse and SBA’s Journal much more competitive” Tipping said.

With the journal officially in circulation, we are excited to start sharing our ideas and insights, and providing updates in the ever-changing sport business world.


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